seven day course  


Welcome to the special at home, and at your own pace Modern Dakini course. You will learn the teachings of an inspirational force of love, and visionary practices for a life of power, altruism, creativity and passion. 


An experiential approach to life, expression, and healing.

Learn how carve your unique path, and become empowered with a roadmap for vitality, connection and altruism. It's your time to embrace excitement, energy, and mystery, to embody the Dakini power, in every moment. 


Who / What is a Dakini:

The enlightened feminine in Tibetan Buddhism, a female messenger of wisdom, an outstanding practitioner, a meditational deity - though she appears in female form, a Dakini defies gender definitions.


This is for you if you're longing for and ready to:

  • Dance with the mystery that is to be fully alive, in a relational, emotional, and enlightening experience. 
  • Be devoted to rituals, and creating in the material world, but not limited to the mundane life.
  • Be transported, vulnerable and exhilarated, often.
  • Have a genuine relationship with your truth and liberate your altruistic desires. 
  • Acknowledge, forgive and befriend all parts of you.
  • See the potential in everything and everyone, including all challenges.
  • Feel a sense of belonging, with yourself, your rituals, and unique path.
  • Live sensually alive and empowered, and to be an inspiration.
  • Feel safe and at home in your body, always.
  • Experience a meaningful, enriching and transformational journey.


YES??!! Then click here my love, because this course is for you! 


The Dakini Attitude:

Stance • Breath • Intention • Attention • Relating • Movement • Creating


 A legendary toolbox of rituals, and meditations, breathwork, concentration, visualization, speaking up and writing prompts. With this course, you will be able to show up for your heart's desire and innate potential. Your healing and creative liberation depends on you.


The breakdown:


session 1: The Potential: Redefine the meaning of: Love, Success, Happiness, and Sexuality, for you. Imagine yourself as a force of love.
session 2: Dakini Attitude: Personal + universal responsibility, how to show up for yourself and others. Explore the Dakini stance, and how everything is changeable.
session 3: Unconditional Kindness & The Body: Experience the heart of a caretaker: unconditional kindness. Begin to radically accept your body, feel safe as yourself.
session 4: Purification Initiation: Transform shame and guilt, and explore the great Karma purifier. The Dakini's 7 steps to genuine faith, and why letting go is the way forward.
session 5: Master of Dualities: How to extract the wisdom of each passing emotion. Dance with the grief & gratitude of each moment. Everyone is a teacher.
session 6: You Are The Guru: The mind's power to be inspired and visualize. The power of imagination, and why everyone can be a leader. Create your Dakini self-initiation.
session 7: The Alliances: Your potential, your practices, and your spiritual friends, and why we need them. Extended practices to devote yourself to your Heart. 
I'm in!

"The Modern Dakini course opened my potential for my liberation and creativity. I learned to love all parts of me, the light and the shadow and to offer all parts tender love and kindness." - Andrea 


"Moun’s teachings helped me improve and nurture the quality of my mind so that my heart could soften more than ever before. She gave me powerful help and offered a life changing perspective shift for a personal struggle that I had never considered before. Most of all, I learned that I can show myself the most gentle, beautiful love. That I can cherish myself and cultivate a deeper knowing of the me in the mind of my heart. I learned to be more free through Moun’s example and the deep well of knowledge she brings to her students from her rich experience." - Laura


"The Modern Dakini course brought me closer to my heart. It showed me that there is inspiration and practice every where I look. That my empowerment comes from with in me through my practice and devotion. This course deepened my understanding of compassion for all beings everywhere." - Jenna



Transform your deepest fears into fierce creativity. 

Take up the space that is here for you and share your heart.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself & ruminating in the past.

Liberate and empower your inner artist, the wise poet, the wild and free—who makes art out of all of life.

Dedicate yourself to being a force of love, and experience the true fulfillment of life. 


Topics & Practices covered:


  • Master communicating from truth and kindness 
  • What turns you on? How curiosities will bring you to your passions
  • Inner Child Meditation: becoming your genuine bff
  • Mirror Practice: radically accepting You
  • What are your heart pleasures and how to liberate them
  • Loving beyond your conditioning
  • Experiencing the heart of a caretaker: unconditional kindness
  • Gibberish Meditation: how to work with anger
  • Inner home meditation: making friends with all parts of yourself
  • Forgiveness Ritual: the bridge to moving forward
  • The power of your voice to tell a new narrative: your power is in your story
  • How to imagine yourself as a leader 
  • Your life is a prayer: your senses as the gateway to your freedom
  • Dakini Self-initiation


I'm ready to do this!

 What's included in this course:  


  • 7 x 40 min video lessons, you can watch at your time 
  • Discourses, practices, and Moun's personal stories 
  • 7 x PDF workbook manuals with home practices, including links to guided practices and playlists.
  • Toolbox includes: journaling, storytelling, breathwork, visualization, meditation, movement.


 * Please note: there are no live sessions in this course, once you sign up you will have access to all sessions. This is a do it at home, at your own pace, experience. *


Investment: $99

20% off to all WoC (use code: WOC)


Sign me up!

What people are saying about the course and working with Moun...


"The Modern Dakini course was powerful. Everyone always talks about "doing the work" but I never knew what that really meant until taking this course with Moun. We learned tangible tools that we can use for the rest of our lives to connect to self and spirit. I let go of the shame and regret I had around my younger party days. I have been on the sobriety journey for 4 years but finally felt free of all shame around claiming sobriety through a meditation I did in this course. I talked to my younger self in a guided meditation, healed the wounds and got the clarity and inspiration to help others with sobriety. If you're on the fence, take this course! Moun's energy and genuine love and passion is unmatched! "- Ellie


"I’ve been so very fortunate to have taken Moun’s courses over this past year and beyond.  The breathwork exercises have been so helpful in enabling me to ground and open to the present moment, and to notice what else is here. Each week there is a theme and a homework focus which address the aspects of being a muse. Some encouraged me to be my creative self and dream about my life, while others propelled me into my warrior and radical self beyond my comfort zone. Working with a group of incredible women, sharing our journeys from week to week and staying connected as a community is testimony to the kind of beautiful souls and powerhouses Moun attracts into her sphere. Moun has been so incredibly supportive and inspiring in my own specific journey over this time, and words cannot express my gratitude to her dedication, love and care. I have been constantly inspired by her dedication to her own practice and dreams and her ability to welcome all of life’s challenges with such grace and power. Thank you my dear friend and teacher Moun." - Rosanne



"Moun is a wonderful teacher. I have learned so much from her, the most important being self forgiveness and compassion. Working with Moun is a blessing and life changing." - Tahlia


"Working with Moun has been LIFE CHANGING. She has taught me so many practices and ideas that have helped me develop a new friendship with myself and radically shift my perception of the world around me. I now live every day with gratitude, inspiration, enthusiasm, and love. She has truly become one of my dearest teachers and my great Spiritual Godmother." - Dominique 




Moun is a spiritual teacher, meditation guide, and artist. She is a feminine mystic, devoted to the path of liberation, creative expression, and service - facilitating and mentoring healing and empowerment for 5 years. She spent extended time in retreat and immersed in Tibetan Buddhist, Contemplative Psychotherapy, and Traditional Yoga studies and practices. Her methods come strongly from her insights, and the integration of the teachings in her experiences and relationships.

She is most known for leading private sessions, group mentorships, courses, and her wise and real approach to Buddhism, storytelling, and theater as healing. This course reflects the substantial wisdom she has experienced through all these years.
Click here to read more about Moun’s story. 

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